Why “Always Be Closing” is Terrible Sales Advice For Coaches

episode 22

There is a sales aphorism amongst marketers that I have been hearing forever and ever in my career: always be closing.

It means always trying to make prospects buy your services, preventing them from having the space to consider what you offer as a coach.

And when the picture that pops in everyone’s head every time they read “sales and marketing” is that of an insurance broker cornering a hapless passerby into buying a retirement product, it’s understandable that too many coaches are afraid of selling out of the fear of appearing sleazy.

But you don’t have to be sleazy. Nor do you have to always be closing. 

In this episode, I reveal the dangers of the ABC approach to sales and marketing and describe what could happen if you implement it in your business.

I reveal the two camps of coaching education and explain how the ‘always be closing’ principle came about.

I illustrate the relationship between how much clients invest in your coaching services and the trust you have earned.

I also share a powerful alternative to sales and marketing’s ABC philosophy and discuss why you might want to act like a prize for your prospects.

“There’s nothing wrong with helping a prospect decide, but there’s a fine line between influence and coercion. If we’re always closing, we tend to not allow people to get to know us.”

-Matthew Kimberley 

This week on Book Yourself Solid® Marketing For Coaches Podcast:

  • The two camps of coaching education
  • Glengarry Glen Ross and the ABC philosophy of sales
  • The reason it’s bad for the coaching industry if too many people give free things away
  • The common reasons coaches are afraid of selling their services
  • The relationship between a client’s investment in you and the amount of trust you have earned
  • Why the “always be closing” principle is, to a degree, being manipulative
  • The thrill of the chase and three salespeople I’ve avoided
  • Why you would want to be the Simon Cowell of coaching
  • The power of cultivating relationships with prospects

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Did you know there are five simple things you can do each morning that can help you get more client enquiries, book yourself solid, and skyrocket your bottom line?

My free e-book: Five Things You Need To Do Every Morning To Get You More Clients In 60 Days walks you through 5 easy, straight-forward, and effective marketing strategies that I recommend to every coach. These five simple techniques will almost guarantee you achieve increased impact, opportunity, and prospect flow.

So, if you’re ready to get more clients, reduce stress, and increase your bottom line, claim your free copy of the Five Things You Need To Do Every Morning To Get You More Clients in 60 Days by visiting my website.

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