The Single Biggest Result You Give Your Clients

episode 21

Does your elevator pitch focus on the single biggest result you give your clients? Whenever you meet somebody at a cocktail party, how do you introduce yourself and explain what you do in your coaching business?

Do you tell people that you’re someone who helps “people who are tired of thinking small and guide them into unleashing their fullest potential”?

Or do you say you’re a management consultant who “helps executives increase stakeholder engagement through increased inter-departmental synergy”?

How would you feel if a complete stranger introduced themselves that way to you?  

Chances are, you’d feel very confused. And confusing people is the last thing coaches would want to do. So reserve those flowery words for your LinkedIn profile or the cover of your book and instead, offer your potential clients your Single Biggest Result.  

In this episode, I discuss why putting into words what you do for a living is of utmost importance if you want people to understand what you offer in your coaching business.

I explain why my father says he’s a departmental head at the NHS when, specifically, he’s a hospital chaplain.

I reveal critical errors beginner coaches make when they introduce themselves as a coach. I also highlight the impact of specializing your business and emphasize the power of anchoring on the Single Biggest Result you can offer to your clients.

“Ensure that the Single Biggest Result that you offer to your clients is measurable, externally verifiable, and tangible.”

Matthew Kimberley 

This week on Book Yourself Solid® Marketing For Coaches Podcast:

  • The critical importance of having a well-defined target market for your business
  • Identifying a target market’s specific set of urgent needs and compelling desires
  • The “Supermarket Checkout Line Test” and the struggles of beginner coaches in talking about what they do
  • The problem with using a generic label to describe what you do as a coach
  • How defining your Single Biggest Result can help you avoid being a commodity in your business
  • Avoiding the use of industry jargon when selling yourself to people
  • Helping empowered goddesses step into their greatness…and why you shouldn’t try to sound ethereal
  • Why you shouldn’t use branding sentences when talking about your coaching business
  • Hanging our hats on something tangible, measurable, and verifiable
  • The impact of specializing your business and associating other benefits to your Single Biggest Result

Resources Mentioned:

Get More Clients in 60 Days!

Did you know there are five simple things you can do each morning that can help you get more client enquiries, book yourself solid, and skyrocket your bottom line?

My free e-book: Five Things You Need To Do Every Morning To Get You More Clients In 60 Days walks you through 5 easy, straight-forward, and effective marketing strategies that I recommend to every coach. These five simple techniques will almost guarantee you achieve increased impact, opportunity, and prospect flow.

So, if you’re ready to get more clients, reduce stress, and increase your bottom line, claim your free copy of the Five Things You Need To Do Every Morning To Get You More Clients in 60 Days by visiting my website.

Get More Leads, Prospects & Clients

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Book Yourself Solid’s Marketing for Coaches podcast, the show that talks about marketing…for coaches. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the show and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.

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